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Glossary - Guide to our Symbols, Terms & Abbreviations

** = Unhinged Mint (UHM) Bkt = Booklet C = Cover or postcard
* = Mint (hinged with gum) U = Used P = Proof or essay
ACS = Auckland City Stamps catalogue Horiz = Horizontal RP = Real Photo
Av = Average Imp = Imprint Sam = Samuel Catalogue
Blk = Block Incl = Includes Sc = Scott
B&W = Black and White Inv = Inverted Selv = Selvedge
B/S = Backstamped Kiwi = Kiwi catalogue S/W = Sideways
Cat = Catalogue value LHM = Lightly hinged mint Sl = Slight
CDS = Circular Date Stamp M = Mint (with hinge) Sm = Small
Cnr = Corner Mi = Michel catalogue SG = Stanley Gibbons catalogue
CP = Campbell Paterson catalogue MOB = Message on Back  T/S = Tone Spot
Cr = Crease M-S = Miniature Sheet UHM = Unhinged mint
CTO = Cancelled to Order M/S =


UN* = Unused (no gum)*
Defs = Definitives O/C = Off Centre Up = Upright
Env = Envelope OG = Original Gum Vert = Vertical
Excl = Excluding O/P = Overprint VG = Very Good
F = Faults Picts = Pictorials W/C = Well Centred
FDC = First Day Cover Pl Blk = Plate Block Wmk = Watermark
Gd = Good Pl No = Plate Number Yv = Yvert catalogue
GU = Good (or heavy) used P/C = Postcard [+] = Block of four
Pmk = Postmark Reg = Registered [6] = Block of six (etc)
UN* Unused: When unused appears in the description, that indicated without gum and not postmarked.

Classic Stamps Ltd.



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